تحرير الترجمة

حفار صغير ياباني أصلي كوبوتا KX61-3


Mini Excavator Kubota KX61-3, Available at Hixen Machinery! This 2016 Mini Excavator Kubota KX61-3 boasts an engine power of 71 kW and has accumulated 1721 operational hours. It has always been used in The Netherlands.

المزيد من الخيارات

الحفارة الصغيرة كوبوتا KX61-3

Available at Hionsen Machinery! This 2016 Excavator Kubota KX61-3 boasts an engine power of 71 kW and has accumulated 1721 operational hours. It has always been used in The Netherlands.

The total weight of this Excavator Kubota KX61-3 is 2600 kg, with dimensions measuring 4.31 x 1.40 x 2.41 meters.

Equipped with features such as a Heated Cab, Beacon, Quick coupler, Radio, Extra hydraulic function, and Hammer function, this excavator offers enhanced versatility and comfort for various job sites. Additionally, it carries a CE marking, ensuring compliance with European safety standards.

Are we interested in learning more or trying out the Excavator Kubota KX61-3 in our yard? Contact us today for further information!


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